Sterling combines Alloy with web-based visualizations, providing both basic Alloy visualization capabilities and a robust platform for the development of domain specific visualizations of Alloy instances.

The idea for Sterling was sparked by discussions at the 2018 Workshop on the Future of Alloy. Initial ideas were put to the test in Alloy Instances, which allows users to export XML files from Alloy and develop custom visualizations in the browser. The Alloy Instances tool provides a styling language and sharing platform that is useful for development of visualizations once a model has been completed, but it lacks in utility during the iterative modeling process.

Sterling aims to bridge this gap and further build out the visualization and sharing platforms.

System Requirements

Sterling should run on any system on which Alloy can run. However, I use Ubuntu Linux and have not done any testing on macOS or Windows (yet). Any feedback or help getting Sterling up and running on these operating systems would be much appreciated.

You’ll also need a modern web browser, although an internet connection is not required. Sterling has been tested in both Firefox and Chrome.

Open Source

Sterling is released under the MIT License. Additionally, Sterling makes use of the following open source libraries in production and in development.


  • Alloy - An open source language and analyzer for software modeling.
  • Spark - A micro framework for creating web applications in Kotlin and Java 8 with minimal effort.
  • Gradle Shadow Plugin - A gradle plugin for combining dependency classes and resources with a project into a single output Jar.


  • Dagre - A JavaScript library used to lay out directed graphs.
  • D3 - A JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data.
  • Rollup - A module bundler for JavaScript.
  • Typescript - A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.


Currently the only author is me, Tristan Dyer. I’m a PhD candidate at North Carolina State University in the department of Civil Engineering, advised by John Baugh.