Sterling, like Alloy, is a self-contained executable which includes the Kodkod model finder, a variety of SAT solvers, the standard Alloy library, and a collection of tutorial examples. Additionally, the web interface is included so that a network connection is not needed to use Sterling. To execute, simply double-click on the jar file, or type java -jar Sterling-0.3.0.jar, replacing the version to match the one you have downloaded.

Preview Release

Sterling 1.0 Preview

This preview release of Sterling 1.0 showcases the new user interface, built using React and Blueprint, and includes only the table view. The complete Sterling 1.0 release will be available in February 2020.

Current Release

Sterling 0.3.2

  • Beta Release
  • View Alloy instances in browser
  • Graph view displays snapshot
    • Projections
    • Animations to show updates to layout
    • Pan/zoom
  • Table view displays tables
    • Compact view
    • Show/hide builtins
    • Show/hide empty tables
  • Tree view displays hierarchical tree
    • Expand/collapse tree nodes
    • Shift+scroll to update spacing between levels
    • Animations to show updates to layout
  • Evaluator view
    • Evaluate expressions from the browser
    • View expression evaluation results as a directed graph
    • Toggle on/off any evaluated expression to compose directed graph
    • Styling options in evaluator graph
  • Source view displays source models
  • Next button requests next solution from Alloy

Previous Releases

All previous releases can be found on the releases page of the Sterling GitHub repository.